What To Pack For Your Zhangjiajie Tour?

Zhangjiajie is a prime destination for travelers who are keen to explore natural wonders. The time of year for travel to Zhangjiajie will determine your packing needs. Knowing how to pack for a trip to Zhangjiajie can make your trip a success.


Check the weather when planning travel to Zhangjiajie. Your packing should reflect the season.


Limit your packing to luggage you can comfortably carry.

Put most of your clothing in the larger suitcase.

Put valuables, papers (including a valid passport), medication and one change of clothing in a smaller bag that will be your carry-on bag at the airport.


Plan to dress in layers so you're prepared for whatever Zhangjiajie weather dishes out.


Pack your suitcase so that it's full, but not overly full. A busted zipper can really ruin a trip.

Use smaller items like socks, rolled up t-shirts and underwear as fillers.

Packing bulky things like shoes along the edge of a suitcase provides more room.

Pack only what you know will be used.


Use plastic bags for packing toiletries in order to save clothing from any spills or leaks.

Use travel size or small containers for toiletries.


Plan on taking only two pairs of shoes for travel to Zhangjiajie. Shoes take up a lot of room in luggage.

Make one a comfortable pair suitable for walking/hiking around Zhangjiajie scenic areas and for the flight.

Choose another pair for dress-up occasions.


Divide financial assets (cash, credit cards) into different pockets and bags. This practice may help if you lose a bag or are a victim of robbery.


Consider extra items that you might need:

Guidebooks and maps.

Camera with additional memory.

Inflatable travel pillow.

Batteries or chargers.

Electrical adapter and plug converter.

Walking Stick & something to cover from the rain

Bring some water bottles & some snacks because the prices get higher as you climb the mountains!


Always leave a little space in your bag when packing. It seems like you never have as much room leaving your vacation as you did coming.

You can always roll up socks, underwear, and accessories and put them inside of shoes to create space.

Make copies of passports and birth certificates in case of loss or theft. Another option is to scan the documents into a web-based mail account so you have access to them while traveling.

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